Have you ever seen a solar array with panels on one side of the roof looking like this?
Photo Credit: MC Electrical

What these pieces are called are "Tilt Frames" or "Tilt Kits". These will be used to direct the solar array towards the best possible generating orientation (Often north).
These tilt pieces are a necessity if more panels are needed to be fit specifically if the roof is a north and south split and the north roof is already full. Another scenario that tilts can assist in is directing the array away from any shading as later in the day when the sun is pointed at the panels flat mounted there may be shade affecting objects such as trees, buildings or antennas.
One thing that should always be kept in mind is that these panels raised off the roof with tilt kits introduces a new hazard, most of South East Queensland is wind region B1. These tilt kits if not positioned properly can act as a giant wind sail with the possibility in windy conditions to rip the panel off going from a hazard to a danger. This is more of a factor Bundaberg and above as the wind region changes from B1 to C along the cost and B2 inland from the cost increasing the risk of poorly positioned tilt panels.
Hopefully this blog has helped you better understand when and why tilt frames may be used and the hazard that can arise from a shotty installation.