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Off Grid Government Rebates Explained, clearing up miss conceptions.

Daniel Winkler

Let's clear the air with some factual information relating to what Rebates are on offer for off grid properties in QLD and NSW.

Unfortunately their is a great deal of miss information and confusion relating to this topic and for some odd reason it's generally spread by installers that are not off grid certified to essentially throw the customer off the trail from being able to benefit from selecting an off grid approved installer.

In reality, if you meet the below requirements you are in line for a substantial small scale renewable certificate rebate which will significantly reduce your out of pocket expense.

  1. Property must have a physical address, either a lot number or street number.

  2. The installer you select needs to be a licensed electrician, have cec or netcc certification and to boot off grid certification.

  3. You must install a new inverter and panels at the time of the claim where serial numbers will be provided to the regulator by the installer on completion of install.

  4. The install must comply with industry guidelines specific to the regulator.

If you meet these requirements you are all set.

In most cases the off grid retailer will specify how many points are accumulated for your solar array size and what that will offer in the way of discounts.

Currently rebates are Trading for $38 to $39 per point.

And this is a sliding scale until the STC rebate scheme ends in 2028.

Generally we see reductions in rebates at the start of every year, something to keep in mind if your project is 2 or more years away.

On smaller systems this generally works out to a $2,300.00 + rebate which will be applied to your quote as a discount up front.

Once the installer completes the work they will then claim the rebate to help cover the costs of soing the install.

Installers that are CEC approved are required to provide full clarity on how big the rebate is and what the financial discount will be for the client.

If you cant get a straight answer run for the hills!

For larger solar arrays this could easily be in excess of $10,000.00 so can make a huge difference to your out of pocket cost.

With all this regulation you will need to ensure the following to not have any issues.

  1. No your panels can't be installed on a home made wooden structure that will blow down in the first big storm.

  2. Your battery system must be installed to all safety conditions and guidelines.

  3. Your installer must meet all certification levels.

In most cases the retailer will process the rebate for you meaning you get the savings up front and don't have to do a thing!

A retailer can transfer the rebate to the customer if requested and the client can claim, this means the customer will have to pay for the install in full and claim the rebate themselves to get the reimbursement after the work has been completed.

This doesn't provide any increases in the rebate for the end user and adds a tedious process so is a rare request.


Another question that is often asked on larger properties or communities is how many times can you claim the rebate!

The short answer is as many times as you like, you can add additional off grid systems to the same address under the same name and as long as the install meets all the above and has a new set of serial numbers it will be approved without question.

We hope you have found this guide helpful amd as always, should you have a question feel free to reach out or comment on this blog.

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